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Support and advice for victims of domestic abuse

Sadly often, many issues arise in the context of domestic abuse, which makes them even more important and urgent. Here are details of some agencies that offer advice and assistance for those facing domestic abuse and some in family law.


In an emergency

If you are in immediate danger phone 999, or ask someone else to phone. State whether you need the police, ambulance or fire service. Try to move to a safe place, avoiding kitchens or stairs, and try to stay near a door for a quick escape if you have to leave the area you are in.

If you dial 999 but are unable to speak, press 55 to let the emergency services know.

If the situation is not an emergency, but you still need the police, call 101.

If you need help 

If you need help or are concerned for somebody else, you can contact the following:


Redbridge Women's Resource 

A virtual interactive space for all women in Redbridge to quickly find the information they need

Redbridge Women's Resource



A free service for anyone, regardless of gender, living in Redbridge who has experienced, or is at risk of gendered based abuse, including victims of sexual abuse and violence. 


National Domestic Abuse Helpline

  • Call the helpline on 0808 2000 247, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week


Reach Out

A support service for adults in Redbridge who are being abused or fear being abused. The service provides help whether you wish to remain with your partner or need help to separate.



A support service for women and girls who have been subjected to sexual and domestic violence and abuse. Services included specialist help for women and girls who have experienced any form of sexual violence at any time in their lives.

  • Call: 0800 160 1036

  • Email:

  • If your call is unanswered, leave a message with a safe telephone number and the best time to call you, and they will call you back.


Aanchal Women's Aid- Advice and support in 7 South Asian languages, Lithuanian, Polish and Russian 

Call 0800 0124 924 (Helpline hours are Monday to Friday 09:00 am - 10:00 pm)


Women’s Aid – advice and ways to find local support. 

DAHA – list of national and local support services.


Freephone National Domestic Abuse Helpline, run by Refuge 0808 200 0247


Solace – advice


Advocate – pro bono legal help by barristers (can take direct requests during the Covid 19 emergency)


Rights of Women – family law advice and support


Galop (for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people) – 0800 999 5428


Men’s Advice Line – 0808 801 0327


RCJ CAB – legal advice and assistance, including family


Advice Now – Video guide to applying for an injunction for domestic abuse and links to advice and support. 


Links to help you: 


Are you experiencing domestic abuse or suffered from sexual violence or assault? If you or someone you know is being abused by a partner, ex-partner or a family member, there are support services available to help. 


Young people as victims of domestic abuse or in violent relationships

Specialist advice for young people in abusive or violent relationships is available:

Redbridge’s specialist young person service

For 14 to 17 year olds living in Redbridge experiencing or at risk of gendered based abuse, contact Refuge for free advice:

Redbridge Safeguarding Children Partnership (RSCP)

Relationships can be fun and exciting but they can also be confusing and harmful. It’s important to understand what a healthy relationship looks like and to know what isn’t okay.

Read about RSCP's advice on healthy and unhealthy relationships


Support for victims from ethnic minority groups and in other languages


Aanchal Women's Aid

Advice and support in 7 South Asian languages, Lithuanian, Polish and Russian:

  • Call 0800 0124 924 (Helpline hours are Monday to Friday 09:00 am - 10:00 pm)


Ashiana Network

Advice and support for South Asian, Turkish, Kurdish and Iranian women.

  • Call 0208 539 0427


Karma Nirvana

Help and support for victims of honour-based violence and forced marriage:

  • Call 0800 5999 247 (24 hours)


Foreign and Commonwealth Office Advice: Forced Marriage Unit

For women in fear of forced marriage.

  • Call 0207 008 0151

  • If overseas, call 0044 207 008 0151 

Redbridge Community Advice Network 

...your one stop shop for all advice services in Redbridge

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